Art Direction & Content Creation

whoisraylene’s Mixtape Launch

“Bradley really knows how to connect with a client to be able to design something true to one’s original vision, while doing so in an efficient fashion.




Raylene was ready to bring her first mixtape to life. She came to Bradley for guidance to make sure this launch of her brand was well designed and had a high visual impact. This was Raylene’s first time fully launching her brand, she was ready and so was the world. This launch included:

  • Multiple Album Designs

  • Social Media Instagram Content

  • Website Design

Skills: Concept Design, Creative Direction, and Photography, Client Services

Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator,

 Raylene’s Album Cover Art


A Visual Presence At Launch

With all the work of the different cover arts finished, They shifted their focus so that all of Raylene’s Brand was accessible for all her audience. Bradley achieved this by creating a website that was simple and easily digestible bye design with a focus on rich visuals.

See Raylene’s Site

Raylene’s Instagram became a Visual Experience.

Raylene wanted to provide snippets of content that introduced her more to her audience. Bradley created an Instagram series that matched that same visual impact while staying true to her vision. Here is a close-up sample of what was posted on her Instagram.

Raylene’s Brand and Success

Pageview 1.2k | 1300 Instagram Followers | 20k Impressions


“Bradley exceeds expectations when it comes to exploring design ideologies, brand strategy, and deliverable execution. He really keeps projects and content moving forward which provides a great value add when keeping the design aspect of a business or artist on a forward momentum.”

- Raylene

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Below you can take a look at other projects.


Admissions Website Redesign


HyreCulture's Branding